Boost amplifier is deployed to amplify the output of single channel, which optimize the residual and signal quality of the link. For the integration of telecommunications networks using the Internet Protocol (IP), INOVAX uses the following solutions: DWDM / SDH Platform for transmitting IP packets for modern high-speed telecommunications networks, produced by one of the world market leaders, Huawei. To meet customers' applications, connect 8ch C53-C60 DWDM Mux Demux to 1530nm channel of 8ch CWDM Mux Demux to achieve the hybrid. Mon - Fri 9.00 - 18.00 +65 6398 3150 Courses Course Calendar Our Services About Us Write to Enquire « All Events This event has passed. Insertion loss Temperature sensitivity(dB/℃) Power consumption is just 470 mW while external components are reduced to a. OPTICO DWDM Mux Demux are modular, scalable and are perfectly suited to transport PDH, SDH / SONET, ETHERNET services over WWDM, CWDM and DWDM in optical metro edge and access networks. OC-192 SDH/SONET-based, dense-wave-division multiplexing (DWDM) and. WDM-based networks can transmit data in IP, ATM, SONET/SDH, and Ethernet. ITU G.694.1 standard and Telcordia GR1221, GR1209, CE, RoHS, FCC are compliant. A key advantage of WDM is its protocol and bit-rate independency. They are designed for long-haul transmission where wavelengths are packed tightly together over the C-band range of wavelengths, up to 48 wavelengths in 100GHz grid(0.8nm) and 96 wavelengths in 50GHz grid(0.4nm). The DWDM passive Mux Demux modules deliver the benefits of a Dense Wave Division Multiplexer in a fully passive solution.