Uniform Convergence, Power Series, Fourier Series, Improper Integrals have been presented in as simple and lucid a manner as possible. The foundation supports the subsequent chapters: Topological Framework Real Sequences and Series, Continuity, Differentiation, Function of Several Variables, Elementary and Implicit Functions, Riemann and Riemann-Stieltjes Integrals, Lebesgue Integrals, Surface, Double and Triple Integrals, which are discussed in detail. It opens with a brief outline of the essential properties of rational numbers and using Dedekind’s cut, the properties of real numbers as established. This book is intended to serve as a text in Mathematical Analysis for undergraduate and postgraduate students of various universities, professionals will also find this book use the book has theory from its very beginning the foundation has been laid very carefully and the treatment is rigorously based on modern line.

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