Connecting to duqnet wireless for mac
Connecting to duqnet wireless for mac

Connecting to duqnet wireless for mac

The SecureW2 JoinNow MultiOS window will open to “ We are now launching a separate dialog to continue sign-in through CentralLogin” (Figure 4), review the information, and then click the Next button.Are you sure you want to open it?” from curew2com - click Open (Figure 3). You will receive a “ ilstu_wifisetup_ is an app downloaded from the internet. Once downloaded, refer to the Downloads folder in your dock.Click the button Join Now button to download the ilstu_wifisetup_.dmg file, which is needed to secure your access (See Figure 2).Both networks will provide the same level of access while you are on campus.

Connecting to duqnet wireless for mac

You will be presented with two configuration options - one for eduroam and one for isunet.Launch a web browser, such as Chrome or Safari, and navigate to - you should be presented with the following (Figure 1).Select isunet-StartHere from the list of available wireless networks in the AirPort or Wi-Fi menu.If the wireless is not already on, click Turn Wi-Fi On.Click on the wireless symbol from the menu bar.To automatically configure your computer to connect to “isunet,” do the following: When the configuration is done, you will need to remove ‘isunet-StartHere’ from the Network Preferences. Your computer will automatically be configured for “isunet” or “eduroam” wireless access. Launch a web browser, such as Chrome, or Safari.Select “ isunet-StartHere” from the list of wireless networks provided.See the “Detailed Instructions” below for more in-depth steps. These simple instructions give you the basics. To complete these instructions, you must be in a location where “isunet-StartHere” and “isunet” or “eduroam” are available.Īutomatically configuring your MacOS computer for “isunet” wireless access is easy.

Connecting to duqnet wireless for mac